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Orcas Forever

An educational journey into the world of endangered orcas.

Orcas Forever is the dramatized story of a true-life event. It opens a window into the hidden lives of the three Southern Resident orca pods that inhabit the waters called the Salish Sea between the northwest coast of the United States, and the southwest coast of Canada.

The story invites young readers to follow the orcas’ daily activities as they prepare to gather for a special celebration. It highlights the threats that the nearly extinct orcas confront from human interference and how these threats are linked to some of our environmental problems.


  • "An affecting and informative book about a remarkable set of aquatic mammals." — Kirkus Reviews
  • “The writing is beautiful and captivating, the illustrations are breathtaking. The best part about it is that it taught my niece that we have to respect the ocean to protect its inhabitants.” Dalia (Amazon Italy)
Front cover with award

Tahlequah whispers softly to her newborn son and gently nudges him to help him take his first few breaths through his blowhole.

A little intro about Orcas Forever


We live in the Salish Sea in the Pacific Northwest and our language is only for us.

Whale of Wonder

A tale of grief, love and resilience

On a radiant summer day in 2018, an orca named Tahlequah gave birth to a female calf off the coast of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada. The calf was emaciated, lacking enough blubber to stay afloat, and she only lived for 30 minutes. Tahlequah placed the baby on her head, and with the members of her pod, she swam for 17 days, covering 1,000 miles before releasing her into the sea.

Whale of Wonder is the dramatized story of this true-life odyssey, told through a dialogue between the mother orca and her curious son, who keeps asking, “Why, Mama?” Young readers will discover how Tahlequah expresses her maternal love, her grief, and slowly overcomes her loss to celebrate life again. This unique story opens a window to the majestic orcas and their complex emotional lives.


  • "Moving and inspirational, this is a great volume for young nature lovers and activists." -The Children's Book Review
  • “This is a well-written, heart-wrenching story about grief and loss that also has a hopeful tone. The simple plot and writing style are great for children, so this is a great book to use as a starting point for parents to talk to their children about grief and loss.” Melissa

A little intro about Whale of Wonder


Coco, an orphaned bear cub born in the Adirondacks of New York State, is heartbroken to leave her canine friends, Molly, Rags, and Pupsie. But as Babou, the adult male bear who cares for her, explains, it's time to find a mama bear to adopt Coco and teach her how to live as a free, wild bear.


  • “COCO's a great adventure. But, it's also a story that gives kids a chance to explore how they feel about being sad or scared or losing a loved one. Children and adults will love the time spent reading this book together. The travels of COCO and Babou lift the spirits and warms the heart - like a wonderful children's book should.” Indie Book Review
  • “This little gem of a book would make a great addition to any school or home library!”
    Grades 2-6 - Jessica Traum
5 Front cover Coco

Why are my friends, the three dogs, so sad to say goodbye to us, Coco wondered.

A little intro about Coco

2 Front Cover Molly and Babou

Please, come back to see me tomorrow, Babou said. Why? asked Molly. Because I would like to be your friend.

Molly and Babou

How could Molly and Babou, with seemingly little in common, develop a deep understanding and friendship? Blind in one eye, poor-sighted in the other, Molly, a runt puppy born under the foundations of a tiny wooden house in Jamaica, is sensitive, intelligent, if a little spoilt. Babou, a real black bear, comes by Molly's house, as his world is crumbling around him with the relentless destruction of the New York forest. On the surface, he appears to be slow in thought, yet Molly comes to realize that he is "a King in hiding" in his often-harsh environment.

A tango between fiction and non-fiction, this story will transport you on a wonderful journey through the hidden world of animals and their strong emotions.


  • “A heartwarming and educational tale of friendships among different species.” -Kirkus Reviews
  • “Anybody who loved truly and went through the ups and downs which true ties bring to us would highly appreciate this book, filled with deep understanding and beauty.” North and South

A little intro about Molly and Babou

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The French Connection
